Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Fenster am Hof

Well, not quite Hitchcock (much safer, and in Duesseldorf)

In der deutschen Baeckerei [Duesseldorf]

Tatsaechlich ... zur Weihnachtszeit

Snow Man

On the snow theme, here's a mini-snowman from near Cannon Hill Park ...

White Christmas ..

SNOW OVER GERMANY - Deutschlandschnee

Yes, it was, just, and plenty of snow in Duesseldorf the week before too (tried to return on the 20th, had to fly on the 21st instead!)

Ex Cathedra 12th December

Superb concert led by Jeffrey Skidmore with a single heavy drum in liturgical Christmas music in Spanish, Latin and native Latin American Indian languages, all from the Baroque era.
Beautiful music and a powerful atmosphere, very special indeed.

Over again till next year?

Christmas comes and goes again... is it worth it? Still something special about the time of year, the music, services, buying presents and seeing other people's enjoyment [one hopes] on receiving them...and then the sales, oh well.

The Frankfurt Market came and went, sad to see the people packing up the stalls, but then they have their families, friends and homes to be with too...

Monday, 7 December 2009

Christmas Carol

A wonderful one-man performance by actor Clive Francis of Dicken's Christmas Carol. Sparing but powerful special effects and music added to thrilling atmosphere in Birmingham's Town Hall. Recreation of Dickens' own reading in 1853 at the same venue!
If this turns up near you, then go.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Gigs and things

Outside Track at the Red Lion Folk Club - and local man Paul O'Brien.
Irish, Scottish, Canadian, Brummie. Why be anywhere else?

Some beauty

... in the world, despite everything.


A sad thought maybe, but thinking of people having harder times this year: relationships, ailing parents, illness, redundancy.